I\'m having some difficulty with sorl-thumbnail
My template is as follows:
{% thumbnail project.image \"75x75\" crop=\"center\" as im
Sorl did not create thumbnails for us because we used urls that were incorrectly encoded. They would contain '+' instead of ' ' or '%20' for spaces and sorl would re-encode them to '%2B' ('+' encoded). The resulting url error was suppressed and the thumbnail creation was ignored. Maybe it helps someone with this problem.
I have had very similar problem with you, I cannot use easy-thumbnails
because I need to create thumbnails from external source. what I have figured out is on staging is using the same database as development, so after I rendered the images on development, it stores the cached filenames into database, and when you try to render on staging, it picks up the filenames from the same database, but obviously the files are not on staging.
Try running
./manage thumbnail clear