I\'ve got following problem:
val sth: Future[Seq[T, S]] = for {
x <- whatever: Future[List[T]]
y <- x: List[T]
z <- f(y): Future[Option[S]]
The problem with for
comprehension is that it's not some kind of magic monadic "unwrapper", it's just a sequence of map
, flatMap
and filter
As you may know map
and flatMap
operate only on "inner" type, leaving "outer" type of monad unchanged. This means you can't do this:
for {
x <- whatever: Future[List[T]]
y <- x: List[T]
} yield y
inside single for
. Instead, you can do something like this:
for (x <- whatever: Future[List[T]])
yield for (y <- x: List[T]) yield y
Which looks kinda ugly.
Back to your case, I's easier to write whole transformation explicitly using map
and flatMap
, as it gives you greater visibility and control:
whatever.flatMap {
x: List[T] =>
Future.sequence(x.map {
y: T => f(y).map(y -> _)
}).map(_.collect {
case (y, Some(n)) => y -> n
Also, @trustnoone mentioned, you can't get rid of the Future
without explicitly calling Await
You could do something like what you need using the scalaz ListT monad transformer
object Test {
import scalaz._
import ListT._
type T = String
type S = Int
val whatever: Future[List[T]] = ??? // you get this somewhere
def f(y: T): Future[Option[S]] = ??? // function that returns future of option
val sth: Future[List[(T, S)]] = (for {
y <- listT(whatever)
// you cannot mix list and option, but you can convert the option to a list of 1 item
n <- listT(f(y).map(_.toList))
} yield y -> n).run
N.B.: Since you start with a future, you cannot return a Seq[(T,S)], you can only have a future. You have to call Await.result if you want to block and get the result.