as topic describes, calling popToRootViewControllerAnimated
/ popToViewControllerAnimated
does not do any animation anymore.
the code I use
Okay, calling "[super viewWillAppear]" in "viewWillDisappear" is sort of ... my bad!
Was having the same problem. view transition animation for poptoRootViewControllerAnimated was working fine pre ios5.0 but not in ios5. Below is a brief description to fix it.
I had implemented a custom Tab bar in view A. When I transitioned to view B from A and then back, the view transition animation stopped working for B to A. Upon looking at the view loading methods in view A and all its sub-views, my customTabBar in view A had ViewDidAppear that was erroneously calling [super viewWillAppear] inside it. When I corrected it to [super viewDidAppear] , the pop animation started happening OK.
Looks like pre iOS 5, it did not matter but now it does and rightfully so.