I have two lists:
List listA1 = GetFirstList();
List listA2 = GetSecondList();
and class A
You can use this one liner:
List<A> result = listA1.Where((t, i) => t.ModifiedDate != listA2[i].ModifiedDate).ToList();
You could use listA1.Except(listA2, cmp) where cmp is an IComparer. Something like:
void Main()
List<A> listA1 = new List<A> {
new A { Id=1, ModifiedDate=new DateTime(2016,1,1), Type="A"},
new A { Id=2, ModifiedDate=new DateTime(2016,1,2), Type="A"},
new A { Id=3, ModifiedDate=new DateTime(2016,1,3), Type="A"},
new A { Id=4, ModifiedDate=new DateTime(2016,1,4), Type="A"},
List<A> listA2 = new List<A> {
new A { Id=1, ModifiedDate=new DateTime(2016,1,1), Type="A"},
new A { Id=2, ModifiedDate=new DateTime(2016,1,2), Type="A"},
new A { Id=3, ModifiedDate=new DateTime(2016,1,3), Type="A"},
new A { Id=4, ModifiedDate=new DateTime(2016,1,5), Type="A"},
new A { Id=5, ModifiedDate=new DateTime(2016,1,6), Type="A"},
new A { Id=6, ModifiedDate=new DateTime(2016,1,7), Type="A"},
var cmp = new AEqualityComparer();
var result = listA1.Except(listA2, cmp);
foreach (var item in result)
Console.WriteLine("Id:{0}, Date:{1}",item.Id, item.ModifiedDate);
public class A
public int Id { get; set; }
public DateTime ModifiedDate { get; set; }
public string Type { get; set; }
public class AEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<A>
public bool Equals(A x, A y)
return x.Id == y.Id && x.ModifiedDate == y.ModifiedDate;
public int GetHashCode(A obj)
return obj.ToString().GetHashCode();
You can use Enumerable.Zip
to link two sequences by index:
List<A> result = listA1.Zip(listA2, (a1, a2) => new { a1, a2 })
.Where(x => x.a1.ModifiedDate != x.a2.ModifiedDate)
.Select(x => x.a1)
This will work even if both sequences don't implement IList
, so the items can't be accessed by index.