Hi i have made a custom video played in android.with some simple \"play\",\"pause\",\"play again\" and \"capture\" button.NOw i have done all this functionalities except \"c
I too have searched the same for some days and finally i came across opencv library through that we can able to read the frames from a live video and do the operations accordingly.
I have did successfully and keeping the project in github for your reference.
Let me know if you still need a help.
You can get a video frame with MediaMetadataRetriever
. The basic usage is as follows.
MediaMetadataRetriever retriever = new MediaMetadataRetriever();
// Set data source to retriever.
// From your code, you might want to use your 'String path' here.
// Get a frame in Bitmap by specifying time.
// Be aware that the parameter must be in "microseconds", not milliseconds.
Bitmap bitmap = retriever.getFrameAtTime(timeInMicroSeconds);
// Do something with your bitmap.
You might want to use FFmpegMediaMetadataRetriever for better performance.