In R i have a script gets content of multiple xls files
All files are about 2 MB. The script takes a few seconds for 3
For this job I use a python script named (which you can find here, scroll down and download the two attachments, and, which I call directly from R using system()
It can extract a specific sheet in the workbook, not only by name but also by sheet number, for example: infile.xls:2 outfile.csv
to extract the second sheet.
You need to have python and python-uno installed.
If you know the worksheet name, you can do this:
for f in *.xls ; xls2csv -x "$f" -w sheetName -c "${f%.xls}.csv";done
To see all the xls2csv details see here.
The OP find the right answer, so I edit mine to add it :
for f in *.xls ; do xls2csv -x "$f" -f -n 14 -c "${f%.xls}.csv"