I am not able to get the event GotFocus, LostFocus of a textbox while creating a website. I just wanted. As I have asked earlier in my question how to get the value of one t
try TextBox1.Focus() for getting the focus on textbox and for lost focus, take focus from this textbox1 to another or some hidden control.
GotFocus, LostFocus events for TextBox are in Windows Control but for WebControls, You will not get these, Instead of you should try clientside scripting (Javascript).
In javascript you will get the event focus and blur for a textbox (which is actually a input type="text" on web page) , and you can use these for your purpose.
For setting an event handler, use on + event
as event handler and provide the js code which to execute.
like for blur event you should add attribute onblur
and for focus add attribute onfocus
In Javascript you can try, if your aspx has TextBox as
<asp:TextBox runat="server" id="textbox1" onblur="SetTextInTextBox2()" />
<asp:TextBox runat="server" id="textbox2" onfocus="SetTextInTextBox2()" />
in javascript
function SetTextInTextBox2()
document.getElementById('textbox2').value = document.getElementById('textbox1').value;