I\'m using Dropzone.js to take files of various types (including images and non-images, like a PDF), and upload them in 1mb chunks to our server. I\'m then attempting to con
I figured it out! The problem is that I was trying to call the concatenation loop when $chunkIndex == $chunkTotal. If you look in the browser network monitor, you'll see that often the chunks upload in the wrong order, which would make the concatenation fail on the realpath step since the file really didn't exist yet (it just looked like it did when I visited the actual folder a few second later). To prove it, just try sleep(5) to give the rest time to upload and see it succeed (of course this is a bad solution, but a quick tester).
The solution is to separate the upload script from the concatenation script. If you're using Dropzone.js you can trigger the concatenation script from "chunksUploaded," as described at this link:
Dropzone JS - Chunking
You can see below how the final scripts ended up looking:
var myDropzone = new Dropzone(target, {
url: ($(target).attr("action")) ? $(target).attr("action") : "../../chunk-upload.php", // Check that our form has an action attr and if not, set one here
maxFilesize: 25, // megabytes
chunking: true,
parallelUploads: 1,
parallelChunkUploads: true,
retryChunks: true,
retryChunksLimit: 3,
forceChunking: true,
chunkSize: 1000000,
acceptedFiles: "image/*,application/pdf,.doc,.docx,.xls,.xlsx,.csv,.tsv,.ppt,.pptx,.pages,.odt,.rtf,.heif,.hevc",
previewTemplate: previewTemplate,
previewsContainer: "#previews",
clickable: true,
autoProcessQueue: false,
chunksUploaded: function(file, done) {
// All chunks have been uploaded. Perform any other actions
let currentFile = file;
// This calls server-side code to merge all chunks for the currentFile
url: "chunk-concat.php?dzuuid=" + currentFile.upload.uuid + "&dztotalchunkcount=" + currentFile.upload.totalChunkCount + "&fileName=" + currentFile.name.substr( (currentFile.name.lastIndexOf('.') +1) ),
success: function (data) {
error: function (msg) {
currentFile.accepted = false;
myDropzone._errorProcessing([currentFile], msg.responseText);
/* ========================================
======================================== */
// chunk variables
$fileId = $_POST['dzuuid'];
$chunkIndex = $_POST['dzchunkindex'] + 1;
$chunkTotal = $_POST['dztotalchunkcount'];
// file path variables
$targetPath = dirname( __FILE__ ) . "{$ds}uploads{$ds}";
$fileType = strtolower(pathinfo($_FILES['file']['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
$fileSize = $_FILES["file"]["size"];
$filename = "{$fileId}-{$chunkIndex}.{$fileType}";
$targetFile = $targetPath . $filename;
// change directory permissions
chmod(realpath($targetPath), 0777) or die("Could not modify directory permissions.");
/* ========================================
======================================== */
$returnResponse = function ($info = null, $filelink = null, $status = "error") {
die (json_encode( array(
"status" => $status,
"info" => $info,
"file_link" => $filelink
/* ========================================
======================================== */
// blah, blah, blah validation stuff goes here
/* ========================================
======================================== */
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $targetFile);
// Be sure that the file has been uploaded
if ( !file_exists($targetFile) ) $returnResponse("An error occurred and we couldn't upload the requested file.");
chmod($targetFile, 0777) or $returnResponse("Could not reset permissions on uploaded chunk.");
$returnResponse(null, null, "success");
// get variables
$fileId = $_GET['dzuuid'];
$chunkTotal = $_GET['dztotalchunkcount'];
// file path variables
$targetPath = dirname( __FILE__ ) . "{$ds}uploads{$ds}";
$fileType = $_GET['fileName'];
/* ========================================
======================================== */
$returnResponse = function ($info = null, $filelink = null, $status = "error") {
die (json_encode( array(
"status" => $status,
"info" => $info,
"file_link" => $filelink
/* ========================================
======================================== */
// loop through temp files and grab the content
for ($i = 1; $i <= $chunkTotal; $i++) {
// target temp file
$temp_file_path = realpath("{$targetPath}{$fileId}-{$i}.{$fileType}") or $returnResponse("Your chunk was lost mid-upload.");
// copy chunk
$chunk = file_get_contents($temp_file_path);
if ( empty($chunk) ) $returnResponse("Chunks are uploading as empty strings.");
// add chunk to main file
file_put_contents("{$targetPath}{$fileId}.{$fileType}", $chunk, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);
// delete chunk
if ( file_exists($temp_file_path) ) $returnResponse("Your temp files could not be deleted.");
/* ========== a bunch of steps I removed below here because they're irrelevant, but I described them anyway ========== */
// create FileMaker record
// run FileMaker script to populate container field with newly-created file
// unlink newly created file
// return success