I would like to plot several time series on the same panel graph, instead of in separate panels. I took the below R code from another stackoverflow post.
Please not
Since the data file has different days for each group's time, one way to get all the groups onto the same plot is to just create a new variable, giving all groups the same "dummy" date but using the actual times collected.
experiment <- data.frame(Time, Value, Group) #creates a data frame
experiment$hms <- as.POSIXct(paste("2015-01-01", substr(experiment$Time, 12, 19))) # pastes dummy date 2015-01-01 onto the HMS of Time
Now that you have the times with all the same date, you then can plot them easily.
experiment$Grouping <- as.factor(experiment$Group) # gglot needed Group to be a factor, to give the lines color according to Group
ggplot(experiment, aes(x=hms, y=Value, color=Grouping)) + geom_line(size=2)
Below is the resulting image (you can change/modify the basic plot as you see fit):