So I am trying to wrap my head around Ansible and building a simple LEMP stack. I decided to work with a nested playbook because I want to compartmentalize as much as possib
A good solution is you have a vars.yml.dist file with examples of the variables that can be set. This exists in you repository and developers would simply make a local copy of vars.yml based on this. Then simply add the following to the your playbook:
include: vars.yml
This allows you to pass in variables to your roles, nested or not.
I imagine best practices is, if possible, to reuse existing code. If you haven't heard about it already, Ansible has Galaxy site at where people share various ready-to-use roles. One of such roles is mysql(its relevant github repo is at
Not only can you utilize that role in your playbooks, but that page also has examples that show how to pass parameters/variables to your roles:
4) A fully installed/configured MySQL Server with master and slave replication.
- hosts: master
- {role: mysql, mysql_db: [{name: benz}, {name: benz2}],
mysql_users: [{name: ben3, pass: foobar, priv: "*.*:ALL"},
{name: ben2, pass: foo}],
mysql_db_id: 8 }
- hosts: slave
- {role: mysql, mysql_db: none, mysql_users: none,
mysql_repl_role: slave, mysql_repl_master: vm2,
mysql_db_id: 9, mysql_repl_user: [{name: repl, pass: foobar}] }