is there any working, supported and maintained scaffolding solution for Wicket 1.5? I know of
I spend few fours with wicket-webbeans (WWB). It isn't fully ported to wicket 1.5 (but some works have been done in 1.5 branch).
I think such project (automagicaly bean editor for Wicket 1.5) is very necessary
You can look at Apache Isis for a domain driven approach. Perhaps you can find a CRUD framework at the Wicket WIKI page dedicated to related projects. Maybe databinder is an option.
At my company we created our own CRUD framework. While it was not easy, it does give you an advantage and enables you to do things your own way.
There is a simple CRUD web application for hotel booking based on Wicket 6.0, Ujorm 1.40 and Spring 3.2 frameworks. Graphical interface is built on preview tables and form dialogs, see the next persistent class model: