So I have a div that is drawing in dynamic elements at its bottom and I want to hide these elements, no matter what their IDs are using javaScript/jQuery. Basically my HTML
Target the class instead of the dynamic ID.
<div class="element-to-remove" id="dynamic-id-1" />
<div class="element-to-remove" id="dynamic-id-2" />
$('.right-panel . element-to-remove').remove();
If the script tag is always before the div's that need removing you could do this -
$('.right-panel > script').nextAll('div').remove();
Based on what you tried you could do this -
Here are the docs for nextAll() -
You are saying you don't want to target their "id", but is there some specific part in the id that will remain the same ?
like for instance "dynamic-id-" ?
If this is the case you can target them by using a "like selector". The code below would target all divs whose ID is starting with "dynamic-id"
$('div[id^=dynamic-id]').each(function () {
//do something here
The simplest route would be to add classes to the dynamic elements. Something like:
<div class="removable-element" id="dynamic-id-1">Advertisement 1</div>
Then, you can do something like:
$(".right-panel .removable-element").remove()
If only one div at a time is generated dynamically. Add this to dynamic generation:
$('#the-form + div').hide();
Another method to achieve the same (not preferred) is: