I am facing an issue with shiny dashboard. I am trying to create a simple dashboard with two tabItems on the left. Each tabItem have their specific set of controls and a plo
To deal with a dynamic number of tabs or other widgets, create them in server.R
with renderUI
. Use a list
to store the tabs and the do.call
function to apply the tabItems
function. The same for the sidebar.
I think my code below generates your expectation.
data = data.table(group = rep(c(1, 3, 6), each = 10), x = rep(1:10, times = 3), value = rnorm(30))
sidebar <- dashboardSidebar(
body <- dashboardBody(
# Put them together into a dashboardPage
ui <- dashboardPage(
dashboardHeader(title = "test tabbed inputs"),
skin = 'green'
server <- function(input, output) {
ntabs <- 3
tabnames <- paste0("tab", 1:ntabs) # "tab1", "tab2", ...
checkboxnames <- paste0(tabnames, 'group') # "tab1group", "tab2group", ...
plotnames <- paste0("plot", 1:ntabs) # "plot1", "plot2", ...
output$Sidebar <- renderUI({
Menus <- vector("list", ntabs)
for(i in 1:ntabs){
Menus[[i]] <- menuItem(tabnames[i], tabName = tabnames[i], icon = icon("dashboard"), selected = i==1)
do.call(function(...) sidebarMenu(id = 'sidebarMenu', ...), Menus)
output$TABUI <- renderUI({
Tabs <- vector("list", ntabs)
for(i in 1:ntabs){
Tabs[[i]] <- tabItem(tabName = tabnames[i],
box(title = "Controls",
checkboxGroupInput(checkboxnames[i], 'group:', c(1, 3, 6), selected = 6, inline = TRUE),
width = 4),
box(plotOutput(paste0("plot",i)), width = 8)
do.call(tabItems, Tabs)
RV <- reactiveValues()
selection <- input[[paste0(input$sidebarMenu, 'group')]]
RV$plotData <- data[group %in% selection]
for(i in 1:ntabs){
output[[plotnames[i]]] <- renderPlot({
plotData <- RV$plotData
p <- ggplot(plotData, aes(x = x, y = value, colour = factor(group))) +
geom_line() + geom_point()
shinyApp(ui, server)
Note that I put the "plot data" in a reactive list. Otherwise, if I did that:
output[[plotnames[i]]] <- renderPlot({
selection <- input[[paste0(input$sidebarMenu, 'group')]]
plotData <- data[group %in% selection]
the plot would be reactive each time you go back to a tab (try to see what I mean).