I have a problem with conditionalStyle in iReport. I have the following textFields (${nameField} = field value):
I could not find a direct way to accomplish this task - you have to create a separate style for each field.
Considering this you can concentrate your effort on creating a small script that replicate the XML with the same stile for the fields you have. Then you can just copy/paste the XML into the report source file. Each time you need to change the style you will have to go back to your XML generator.
Your question is not clear, can you be more explicit ?
From my understanding , each value will mean a specific background for a textfield, in that case your conditional style value should depend on variable. Maybe using Variables in your style can suit your need.
Add multiple conditional style under each style as below:
each textField can now have different background :
<style name="ColoredField">
<conditionExpression><![CDATA[$F{field1} == 100]]></conditionExpression>
<style mode="Opaque" backcolor="#FCFFFF"/>
<conditionExpression><![CDATA[$F{fiCeld1} == 200]]></conditionExpression>
<style mode="Opaque" backcolor="#00FF00"/>
<conditionExpression><![CDATA[$F{field1} == 300]]></conditionExpression>
<style mode="Opaque" backcolor="#FCFF00"/>
Try ths one :
<style name="myStyle" fontName="Arial">
<conditionExpression><![CDATA[new Boolean($V{SANCTION_AMOUNT_MEASURE}.intValue() == 100)]]></conditionExpression>
<style forecolor="#FF0000" isBold="true"/>
<conditionExpression><![CDATA[new Boolean($V{SANCTION_AMOUNT_MEASURE}.intValue() == 200)]]></conditionExpression>
<style forecolor="#00FF00" isBold="true"/>
<conditionExpression><![CDATA[new Boolean($V{SANCTION_AMOUNT_MEASURE}.intValue() == 300)]]></conditionExpression>
<style forecolor="#0000FF" isBold="true"/>