This may sound stupid but I looked online for some time and I could not find how to make a YouTube player chromeless. I am making a web app and I am using the YouTube JavaSc
Well first you would the HTML Code
<embed src=""/>
Now this takes the url:
This one doesn't take a ID due to the fact you give it one in JS on the function
Here is a little example
onYouTubePlayerReady = initializePlayer;
function initializePlayer(){
var video = document.getElementById('video');
video.loadVideoById(String id , int starttime , string quality);
var playbutton = document.getElementById('playbtn');
playbutton.addEventListener('click' , playVideo());
var pausebutton = document.getElementById('psbtn');
pausebutton.addEventListener('click' , pauseVideo());
That is the basic script, hope this works!
Alright, so I figured it out. So, if you are using JavaScript as I did (I believe it also works for AS3), simply, instead of writig the video ID in the URL (the one that you give to the embedswf() function), write "apiplayer". Then, after the video player has loaded, simply call the function cueVideo() on it (passing it the video ID of the video you want to show). This will make the video player chromeless.