I have a situation where on page unload I am firing a request to delete the draft of a user\'s work. This works fine until a user chooses to refresh the page, whereupon ins
In onbeforeunload or $.unload() set up your AJAX object with async = false. This will make sure the ajax call completes before the page is unloaded.
I know this question is a few months old, but I wanted to add this info in case it helps anyone searching for a similar issue with AJAX!
Making the XHR request synchronous should delay the loading of the new page until after the request is complete. I don't know how jQuery runs its synchronous XHR requests under the hood, but here's how you can do it using plain JavaScript:
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
// or new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") for some versions of IE
request.open("GET", "/some/url", false);
var result = request.responseText;
Putting that in your unload handler should make the browser wait until "/some/url" is loaded before it moves on to the next page.
You can try using window.onbeforeunload instead, though I'm not sure if it's implemented in all browsers.
I'm here to confirm @Silkster answer. I can fire an AJAX request after set an option async = false
Here is the example code.
$(window).unload( function () {
$.ajaxSetup ({
async: false