I need to get an array generated from a script php. I have Latitude and Longitude for each user in a database. I take the values from the db with this code (file.php):
use this
echo json_encode($array);
on server side
var arr=JSON.parse(result);
on client side
You need to convert the php array to json, try:
echo json_encode($array);
jQuery should be able to see it's json being returned and create a javascript object out of it automatically.
$.post('./file.php', function(result)
$.each(result, function()
console.log(this.Latitude + ":" + this.Longitude);
As Ruslan Polutsygan mentioned, you cen use
echo json_encode($array);
on the PHP Side.
On the Javascript-Side you can simply add the DataType to the $.post()-Function:
function( result ){
and the result-Parameter is the parsed JSON-Data.
You can also set the correct Content-Type in your PHP Script. Then jQuery should automaticly parse the JSON Data returned from your PHP Script:
header('Content-type: application/json');