I have a documents with the following structure:
user {id: 123, tag:\"tag1\"}
user {id: 123, tag:\"tag2\"}
user {id: 123, tag:\"tag3\"}
user {id: 456, ta
Because MongoDB does not have a concept of joins, you need to work across this by reducing your input to a single document.
If you change your document structure so that you are storing an array of tags, like the following:
{id: 123, tag:["tag1","tag2","tag3"]}
{id: 456, tag:["tag1"]}
You can do a query like the following:
If needed, you could write a map-reduce to emit an array of tags for a userid, so you can do the above query on it.
Edit - Including a simple map-reduce
Here is a really simple map-reduce to get the initial input into a format that is useful for the find
query given above.
var map = function() {emit(this.id, {tag:[this.tag]});}
var reduce = function(key, values){
var result_array=[];
return {"tag":result_array};}
var op = db.user.mapReduce(map, reduce, {out:"mr_results"})
Then you can query on the map-reduce output collection, like the following:
db.mr_results.find({$and:[{"value.tag":"tag1"},{"value.tag":"tag2"}, {"value.tag":"tag3"}]})