I have this simple query that fetches all completed orders between 2 dates(about 6 months at a time):
select IFNULL(sum(o.amount), 0) as amount, o.completed_
Here is what you need:
1] create an auxiliary table
create table db.myDates(
completed_at date not null
2] fill the table with the months in range, for example:
insert into db.myDates values('2011-10-01'),
3] then select:
select a.completed_at, sum(b.amount)
from myDates a
left join orders b
on extract(year_month from a.completed_at)=extract(year_month from b.completed_at)
and date(b.completed_at) between '2012-01-05' and '2012-06-05'
group by year(b.completed_at)), month(dateCompleted)
order by a.completed_at;
the result looks like this (dates mine)
2012-01-01 27
2012-02-01 NULL
2012-03-01 47
2012-04-01 13
2012-05-01 12
2012-06-01 15
This query is complicated due to a number of factors.
The easiest solution might be to add a 0 amount on the first of each month.
Try with coalesce function which will return '0' if the sum(orders.amount)
is null for a specific month:
select COALESCE(sum(o.amount), 0) as amount, o.completed_at
from orders o
where date(o.completed_at) between '2011/10/01' and '2012/03/06'
group by year(o.completed_at), month(o.completed_at) order by o.completed_at