Extending Scala collections

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执念已碎 2021-01-20 02:13

I would like to derive a version of a Scala built-in collection that expands on the functionality for a particular generic type e.g.,

import scala.collection         

  • 2021-01-20 02:20

    Are you sure you really need to extend Scala collection? To make the code above work you can do this:

    class Tuple2Set[T1,T2](set: Set[(T1, T2)]) {
      def left = set map ( _._1 )
      def right = set map ( _._2 )
    implicit def toTuple2Set[T1, T2](set: Set[(T1, T2)]) = new Tuple2Set(set)
    Set[(String, String)]() + (("x","y")) left

    In this case Tuple2Set is just the wrapper for any other Set implementations. This means you are not limited to HashSet anymore and your methods left and right will be available on any other implementations as well (like TreeSet).

    I think in most cases wrapping or composition+delegation works much better than inheritance (and causes less problems).

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  • 2021-01-20 02:27

    As Kevin Wright said, + operation will return back HashSet. Type class CanBuildFrom is used to build new collections during operations like map. So if you want + to return Tuple2Set instead of HashSet you should implement CanBuildFrom and make it implicitly available in companion object like this:

    object Tuple2Set {
        implicit def canBuildFrom[T1, T2] = 
            new CanBuildFrom[Tuple2Set[T1, T2], (T1, T2), Tuple2Set[T1, T2]] {...}
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  • 2021-01-20 02:28

    The reason your example doesn't work is that the return type of the + operation is a HashSet and not a Tuple2Set.

    You'll have much more luck using the "pimp my library" pattern instead of inheritance.

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  • 2021-01-20 02:32

    The general answer to your question is a bit too involved for a response here. But it has been written up in some web pages.

    The same material with more context is also in the 2nd edition of our book, Programming in Scala, Artima Press.

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