I\'ve been trying to get ads running on my app for a couple of days now. I have everything setup, line item, banner, admob ID (the one with ca-app....), I got the right mopu
You need to integrate Google Play Services to your Mopub SDK if you are using AdMob. See more info here: https://github.com/mopub/mopub-android-sdk/wiki/Integrating-with-Google-Play-Services
It says:
12-16 20:13:45.374 2778-2778/com.spekz D/MoPub﹕ Couldn't locate or instantiate custom event: com.mopub.mobileads.GooglePlayServicesBanner.
This means it is likely that you have not integrated the adapter or there is an issue with the MoPub SDK accessing this file. The adapter is located here in the Android master SDK: https://github.com/mopub/mopub-android-sdk/tree/master/extras/src/com/mopub/mobileads
Please reference the third party network integration documentation on steps to integrate the AdMob adapter and the corresponding AdMob SDK (use the latest version to be iOS8 compatible): https://github.com/mopub/mopub-android-sdk/wiki/Integrating-Third-Party-Ad-Networks
It also seems that AdMob is not active on your ad unit. Please follow these steps to enable a network on an ad unit.
- Go to the "Networks" tab in the MoPub UI
- Click "Segments"
- Click the specified segment you want to set (Note: Accounts will automatically be set with a Global Segment on creation. This would be the segment most people would need to navigate to to set the ad network for the specific ad unit. This changes if a new segment is created and has specific targeting as new segments will override the Global Segment for their specific parameters.)
- There is a filter set to show only running ad sources. You want to close the tab for this that says "Status:Running" inside the filter box to see the rest of the ad sources.
- Click the drop down for the ad unit you want to change
- Edit the ecpm of the ad source
- Click "Set"
This will enable the ad network for that specific ad unit.
Hope this helped!