I recently deploy one web application in one of my development servers. I\'m using oracle, asp.net and c#. When I run the application in the server everything works fine, bu
Had the same problem. Turns out the TNSNAMES.ORA in out deployment environment had a different ADDRESS_NAME and SID/SERVICE_NAME ,and the application was configured to use the SID - which caused the problem.
Your connection string must contain the ADDRESS_NAME and not the SID
Guess: An oracle client is not installed on Server B.
If you do have an oracle client installed then you can still put a tnsnames file in any location (Such as a directory on a network share). In order to do this, set a TNS_ADMIN system variable (System Properties->Advanced->Environment Variables on XP) to the directory containing your tnsnames files.
For me for example I have a system variable: TNS_ADMIN - C:\oracle\ora92\network\ADMIN
I had faced the similar issue. The below code was working in my system but was not working in another server even though I had added a tns entry in tnsnames.ora file.
con = new OracleConnection();
con.ConnectionString = "User Id=username;Password=password;Data Source=uit45";
con.Open(); // throws error here
After digging and digging, I found out the solution for this. We need to ignore the entry in tns file and can be given tns entry as connection string, which worked fine for me. Try the below code.
con = new OracleConnection("Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=db-uit45.xxx)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(SID=uit45)));User Id=username;Password=password");
Note that you need to give the associated values, especially for HOST,PORT,SID,User Id
and Password