Changing all zeros (if any) across all columns (in a table) to… say 1

前端 未结 2 394
南旧 2021-01-19 23:58

I have a table with 18 columns (all Ints) and 1040 rows. If any value is zero I want to change it to 1. I am using Postgresql. What is the best way to do this. I cannot come

  • 2021-01-20 00:36

    How about this

    UPDATE table SET columnA = 1 WHERE columnA = 0

    But you will need a query for each column, or

    UPDATE table SET columnA = 
    CASE WHEN columnA = 0 THEN 1
    ELSE columnA
    columnB = 
    CASE WHEN columnB = 0 THEN 1
    ELSE columnB
    END, ...
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  • 2021-01-20 00:38

    Tool to replace given value with new value in all columns of matching tables

    I adapted a plpgsql function I have in use for a similar purpose:

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_update_all_cols(_sch text, _tbl text, _old int, _new int)
      RETURNS text AS
       _type   CONSTANT regtype[] := '{bigint,smallint,integer}';
       _toid   regclass;            -- table oid
       _msg    text := '';          -- report
       _ct     integer;             -- count of rows for report
      -- Loop over tables
    FOR _toid IN
       SELECT c.oid
       FROM   pg_class c
       JOIN   pg_namespace nc ON nc.oid = c.relnamespace
       WHERE  c.relkind  = 'r'
       AND    nc.nspname = _sch
       AND    c.relname  LIKE (_tbl || '%')
       ORDER  BY c.relname
       EXECUTE (
    -- RAISE NOTICE '%', (
          SELECT format('UPDATE %s SET (%s) = (%s) WHERE $1 IN (%2$s)'
                    , _toid
                    , string_agg(quote_ident(attname), ', ' ORDER  BY a.attnum)
                    , string_agg(format('CASE WHEN %1$I = $1 THEN $2 ELSE %1$I END', attname), ', ')
          FROM   pg_attribute a
          WHERE  a.attrelid = _toid
          AND    a.attnum  >= 1      -- exclude neg. attnum - tableoid etc.
          AND    NOT a.attisdropped  -- exclude deleted columns
          AND    a.atttypid = ANY(_type)
          GROUP  BY _toid)
       USING  _old, _new;
    -- );
       _msg := _msg || _ct || ' row(s) in: ' || _toid || E'\n';
    RETURN _msg;
    $func$  LANGUAGE plpgsql;
    COMMENT ON FUNCTION f_update_all_cols(text, text, int, int) IS $$
    Convert 0 to 1 in all integer type columns.
    $1 .. _sch: schema
    $2 .. _tbl: table-pattern: left anchored search pattern; default "%"
    $3 .. _old: replace this ...
    $4 .. _new: ... with this)   -- $$;


    SELECT f_update_all_cols('myschema', '', 0, 1); -- all tables in schema
    SELECT f_update_all_cols('myschema', 'foo', 0, 1); -- tables starting with foo

    Looks at all integer type columns and changes the given _old value into the given _new value. If you want to include other data types, edit the variable _type accordingly.

    Comment the EXECUTE and the USING line and uncomment RAISE NOTICE and the closing parens to inspect the generated code before you execute.

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