I am new to angular 6 ,Here I am trying to reset the form after submitting the data.
Everything works fine but when I reset the form after successful data submit to
You would need to reset as below:
In your html:
<form [formGroup]="newMemberForm" #formDirective="ngForm"
(submit)="CreateMember(newMemberForm.value,formDirective)" novalidate>
In .ts:
Material checks the validity of FormGroupDirective
and not of FormGroup
hence resetting FormGroup
does not reset FormGroupDirective
Issue reported here too: https://github.com/angular/material2/issues/9347
Thats great solution but, reactive forms have their own feature to do so.
You can remove validations on specific formGroup/formcontrol by using clearValidators() for reactive forms.
this.formGroup.clearValidators() or
After this, you have to update form control with the removed validator
This helped me to resolve same issue, hope it helps you too