I\'m using the 1:50m Cultural Vectors shape file from naturalearthdata.com.
I use ogr2ogr to create a geoJson file with the following command:
What happens if you use the geoJson? For admin 0 level geographies like this (country level) a geoJson might suffice in terms of detail. It sounds like something is being lost when you go from geo -> topo?
So... this is a known issue on leaflet, I solved this way:
function onEachShapeFeature(feature, layer){
var bounds = layer.getBounds && layer.getBounds();
// The precision might need to be adjusted depending on your data
if (bounds && (Math.abs(bounds.getEast() + bounds.getWest())) < 0.1) {
var latlongs = layer.getLatLngs();
latlongs.forEach(function (shape) {
shape.forEach(function (cord) {
if (cord.lng < 0) {
cord.lng += 360;
var countries = L.geoJson(data, {
onEachFeature: onEachShapeFeature,
I know that is hacky... but was the best way I found.