How to split a string in C#

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北海茫月 2021-01-19 23:22

I\'m having a string like

\"List_1 fooo asdf List_2 bar fdsa XList_3 fooo bar\"

and a List like

  • 2021-01-20 00:15

    You can do something like this:

                string a = "List_1 fooo asdf List_2 bar fdsa XList_3 fooo bar";
                List<String> l_lstValues = new List<string> { "List_1", 
                                                          "XList_3", "List_2" };
                var e = l_lstValues.GetEnumerator();
                    var p = a.IndexOf(e.Current);
                    a = a.Insert(p, "~");
                var splitStrings = a.Split(new string[]{" ~"},StringSplitOptions.None);

    So here, I insert a ~ whenever I encounter a element from the list ( except for the first, hence the outside e.MoveNext() ) and then split on ~ ( note the preceding space) The biggest assumption is that you don't have ~ in the string, but I think this solution is simple enough if you can find such a character and ensure that character won't occur in the original string. If character doesn't work for you, use something like ~~@@ and since my solution shows string split with string[] you can just add the entire string for the split.

    Of course you can do something like:

    foreach (var sep in l_lstValues)
                var p = a.IndexOf(sep);
                a = a.Insert(p, "~");

    but that will have an empty string, and I just like using MoveNext() and Current :)

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  • 2021-01-20 00:17

    Here is a sample code i made. This will get the substring you need provided that your key splitters are sequentially located from left to right of your original string.

    var oStr ="List_1 fooo asdf List_2 bar fdsa XList_3 fooo bar";
            List<String> l_lstValues = new List<string> { "List_1", "List_2", "XList_3" };
            List<string> splitted = new List<string>();
            for(int i = 0; i < l_lstValues.Count; i++)
                var nextIndex = i + 1 >= l_lstValues.Count  ? l_lstValues.Count - 1 : i + 1;
                var length = (nextIndex == i ? oStr.Length : oStr.IndexOf(l_lstValues[nextIndex])) - oStr.IndexOf(l_lstValues[i]);
                var sub = oStr.Substring(oStr.IndexOf(l_lstValues[i]), length);
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