I have this line in my votes controller:
before_filter :authenticate
So when I vote while logged out, it should fail this filter.
Since the request that is causing problems is ajax try adding a check within your before_filter to whether the request is js.
if request.xhr?
render :text => "document.location = '#{login_path}';", :layout => false
redirect_to login_path, ...
It seems like you are making a javascript request to your VotesController#create action, but you are missing a JS template for Sessions#new.
Here's what happens: you make a call to VotesController#create as a JS call, and when the user is logged in all is fine, because VotesController#create response to javascript actions. The problem is that if the user is not logged in, the request redirects to SessionsController#new, and the request is still a javascript request. The problem is that SessionsController#new does not respond to JS so you get a missing template error.
I would recommend adding an app/views/sessions/new.js.erb file to handle the JS call. You probably only have an app/views/sessions/new.html.erb file right now.
You can also handle this case by redirecting, using javascript, to an HTML request. You can do this by adding the following to your new.js.erb template:
window.location = "<%= escape_javascript(login_path) %>";
This will basically tell the browser to redirect to the login_path as if the request were an HTML request, instead of a Javascript request.