Why doesn\'t ICloneable
\'s Clone
method return a deep copy?
Here is some sample code:
class A : ICloneable
public int
Array.Copy copies the values of the array, in this case, references. There is nothing in the documentation of Array.Copy() that indicates a check for classes that implement IClonable and call Clone() instead. You will need to loop through the array and call Clone() yourself.
BTW, yes, IClonable kind of sucks.
does not use ICloneable. It simply copies values stored in each cell (which in this case are references to your A objects)
Ani's answer uses LINQ thus does not work for C# 2.0, however a same method can be done using the Array class's ConvertAll method:
A[] Array2 = Array.ConvertAll(Array1,a => (A)a.Clone());
From http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/k4yx47a1.aspx:
"If sourceArray and destinationArray are both reference-type arrays or are both arrays of type Object, a shallow copy is performed. A shallow copy of an Array is a new Array containing references to the same elements as the original Array. The elements themselves or anything referenced by the elements are not copied"
There may be a better method than this, but one technique you could use is:
A[] array2 = array1.Select (a =>(A)a.Clone()).ToArray();