I use an H2 embedded database in Java, and after creating the database and adding some tables and data, it gets saved as a file in a directorey of my computer.
But wh
You have used a different database URL in the H2 Console (not jdbc:h2:file://C:/Temp/H2/ourDB
). You need to use the same one, otherwise it's a different database.
The accepted ans is correct- it's URL issue. But for recent user, I am posting the updated values (I am using SpringBoot 2 with Spring Data JPA). When you open H2 Console, the default URL shown for DB Connection is: jdbc:h2:~/test . If you connect using this URL, you won't find the tables you created in your app. But user generated tables to be seen use URL as jdbc:h2:mem:testdb. Pls, refer below figures:
Here EXCHANGE_VALUE was my JPA generated table, that i could see after connecting to db using URL as jdbc:h2:mem:testdb.