Given three sorted floating-point arrays a[]
, b[]
, and c[]
, design a linearithmic algorithm to find three integers i
Let us look at some potential ordering of the elements:
a[i] < b[j] < c[k]
Then we can see the following claim holds:
Target = |a[i] - b[j]| + |b[j] - c[k]| + |c[k] - a[i]|
= b[j] - a[i] + c[k] - b[j] + c[k] - a[i]
= 2 * (c[k] - a[i])
So, for any possible ordering, this is the minimization of the difference between two elements in two different arrays. So, simply minimize for every possible combination (a
and b
, b
and c
, c
and a
) as shown in the question you gave a reference to (can be done in linearithmic time for each pair).
Once you found the minimization for a pair, finding the matching element from the third array should be quite easy - simply go over that array and check each element.
The following algorithm is almost like merging three sorted arrays into one sorted one.
Keep one pointer for each array (i,j,k for A, B and C respectively). Initialize them to 0.
Then compute the difference between A[i], B[j], C[k] and update the lowest value achieved till now if necessary.
Increment the index in the array for which
array[index] = min(A[i], B[j] and C[k])
if it has not reached the end.
That is:
If ( A[i] is the least ), then increment i.
else If ( B[j] is the least ), then increment j.
else increment k.
Keep doing the above till any one index runs past the end or you find a situation where all three A[i], B[j] and C[k] are equal.
If there are two duplicate candidates (say A[i] == B[j]), then increment both i and j. See for yourself why.
Also, if A[i+1] == A[i], then simply increment i again.
End Edit:
The above algorithm has O(N) time complexity.
Proof of correctness:
As shown by other answer, the difference depends only on two extremes of A[i], B[j], C[k].
So if A[i] < B[j] < C[k], then difference = 2*(C[k] - A[i]). Hence if we increment either j or k, then the difference can only increase. Hence we increment i.