I struggled with this problem multiple times and found a maybe not so elegant, but rather simple workaround to this whole can't import rpy2 story. If you are also tired of messing with env variables, then just set it in a small python script which you can import at the beginning.
First get the rpy2 .whl package and install it according to https://stackoverflow.com/a/32983656/6912069
Then just creat a small python script which you import at the beginning of your other python scripts which depend on rpy2.
For me this worked out:
from __main__import *
import os
os.environ['PYTHONHOME'] = 'C:/Program Files/Python'
os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = 'C:/Program Files/Python/lib/site-packages'
os.environ['R_HOME'] = 'C:/Program Files/R/R-3.5.1'
os.environ['R_USER'] = 'C:/Program Files/Python/Lib/site-packages/rpy2'
# importing rpy2 now throws no errors
import rpy2.robjects as ro
When importing this script at the beginning of my main python script, I can use the rpy2 package and control R from within Python.