Call webservice in windows application

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伪装坚强ぢ 2021-01-19 16:51

I have a windows application and I require that the user logins in the application by the username and password which were provided to the user in the website. For this purp

  • 2021-01-19 17:20

    Check this answer on SO Thread and Code project article - Webservice with Win Forms and Web Forms to move further.

    To consume web service in visual studio, check the steps below...

    Follow these steps

    1. Right click on the Project in Visual Studio
    2. Select Add Web Reference
    3. Enter URL & proceed

    When you don't see that option

    1. Right click on the Project in Visual Studio
    2. Select Add Service Reference
    3. Press "Advanced" Button
    4. Press "Add Web Reference" Button
    5. Enter URL & proceed

    Creating an ASP.NET web services and consuming it with a Win Form

    Edit: System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable() should get you what you want to check the internet etc..

    Refer :
    How do you determine if an Internet connection is available for your WinForms App?
    What's the best way to detect an internet connection using .NET?

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