here is the example
> db.test.insert({ name: \'test\', values: [ { check: true }, { check: false } ] })
> db.find({ values.check: true })[0]
> db.test.aggregate(
{ $unwind: "$values" },
{ $match: { "values.check": true } }
"_id" : ObjectId("50e22046dc278908f3a38a8e"),
"name" : "test",
"values" : {
"check" : true
You can use the $
projection operator to include just the first values
array element that matched the query:
db.test.find({ 'values.check': true }, {name: 1, 'values.$': 1})
"_id": ObjectId("50e22046dc278908f3a38a8e"),
"name": "test",
"values": [ { "check": true } ] }
$fetchcode = "Fetch an array from the mongo db"
foreach ($fetchcode as $mainkey => $mainVariable) {
foreach($mainVariable as $key2 => $doc2)
if($key2 == "check"){
if($doc2 == "true")
//Your Function Here
You can try this