I am using python docx library to manipulate a word document. However I can\'t find how to align a line to the center in the documents page of that library. I can\'t find by
With the new version of python-docx 0.7 https://github.com/python-openxml/python-docx/commit/158f2121bcd2c58b258dec1b83f8fef15316de19 Add feature #51: Paragraph.alignment (read/write) Now it is possible to align a paragraph as here: http://python-docx.readthedocs.org/en/latest/dev/analysis/features/par-alignment.html
paragraph = document.add_paragraph("This is a text")
paragraph.alignment = 0 # for left, 1 for center, 2 right, 3 justify ....
edit from comments
actually it is 0 for left, 1 for center, 2 for right
edit 2 from comments
You shouldn't hard code magic numbers like this. Use WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH.CENTER
to get the correct value for centering, etc. To do this use the following import
from docx.enum.text import WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH
p = document.add_paragraph('A plain paragraph having some ',style='BodyText', breakbefore=False, jc='left')# @param string jc: Paragraph alignment, possible values:left, center, right, both (justified), ...
for reference see this reference at def paragraph read the documentation