My performance measurements of synchronous WCF calls from within a Silverlight application showed I can make 7 calls/s on a localhost connection, which is very slo
Not a lot. You run the problem of making 100 http calls, that just takes time. You arelady do not blow it by generating a new client every time.... so, sorry.
In general, this is a bad example (or: a good one showing bad practice). Services should always be coarse grained to avoid the call overhead. A service should have some "weight" in what it does, generally.
A calculator may accept an array of operations, so all 100 calculations can be sent at once, for example.
Keep that in mind when when designing your own interfaces.
Use async calls and run them in parallel.
The internet is only so fast. As it is, you send a request, wait for an eternity for (1) the message to reach the server, (2) the server to respond, (3) the response to travel back. (1) and (3) take time; there are things like 'miles to the server' and 'the speed of light' in play, maybe. And then you send the next request and do the same waiting game again. And again. In a loop.
Hence async calls and parallel requests = win.
(Hint: if you use F#, async can be very easy, as in the sample below.)
open System
open System.Diagnostics
open System.ServiceModel
let binding = new BasicHttpBinding()
let address = "http://YOURSERVERMACHINENAME:11111/Blah"
type IMyContract =
abstract member Subtract : x:int * y:int -> int
type MyService() =
interface IMyContract with
member this.Subtract(x,y) = x-y
let host = new ServiceHost(typeof<MyService>, new Uri(address))
host.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof<IMyContract>, binding, address) |> ignore
let smb = new Description.ServiceMetadataBehavior()
smb.HttpGetEnabled <- true
Console.WriteLine("service is open")
type IMyClientContract =
abstract member Subtract : x:int * y:int -> int
abstract member BeginSubtract : x:int * y:int * c:AsyncCallback * o:obj -> IAsyncResult
abstract member EndSubtract : r:IAsyncResult -> int
let client = ChannelFactory<IMyClientContract>.CreateChannel(binding, new EndpointAddress(address))
let MAX = 30
let syncSw = Stopwatch.StartNew()
[1..MAX] |> Seq.iter (fun i ->
let r = client.Subtract(i,1)
Console.WriteLine("sync took {0}ms", syncSw.ElapsedMilliseconds)
let AsyncSubtract(x,y) = Async.FromBeginEnd(x, y, client.BeginSubtract, client.EndSubtract)
let asyncSw = Stopwatch.StartNew()
[1..MAX] |> (fun i -> async {
let! r = AsyncSubtract(i,1)
|> Async.Parallel |> Async.RunSynchronously |> ignore
Console.WriteLine("async took {0}ms", asyncSw.ElapsedMilliseconds)
Console.WriteLine("press a key to quit")