How do I read a binary file into a bitset
or vector
? The binary file will vary in length. Is there a better container for this? I am ne
If the file is large, Why should you read once, whole the file into the memory?
You can read a little piece every time. The size is determined with the size in this func:, size)
When the buff is char's array.
I'm sorry, but You can't simplest read/save vector to file. for more details see here and here.
And use Google, It's very helpful...
You didn't give too much context of what you're trying to do in your question. But here's one quick & dirty way to do it:
#include <iterator>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <assert.h>
using namespace std;
const char *filename = "";
int main()
vector<bool> v;
ifstream binary_file(filename, ios::binary);
copy(istream_iterator<unsigned char>(binary_file),
istream_iterator<unsigned char>(),
back_insert_iterator< vector<bool> >(v));
Reading the zero-byte '\0' character into the vector will be false. Any other bytes read in will be treated as true.