A reshape puzzle in data.table

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遥遥无期 2021-01-19 13:07

Yet another reshape problem in data.table

DT <- data.table(x=rep(c(1,2,3),each=4), y=c(\"A\",\"B\"), v=sample(1:100,12))

  • 2021-01-19 13:58

    Try this:

    cumsum0 <- function(x) { x <- cumsum(x); ifelse(x == 0, NA, x) }
    DT2 <- DT[, {SUM.<-y; lapply(data.table(model.matrix(~ SUM.:x + SUM.:v + 0)), cumsum0)}]
    setnames(DT2, sub("(.):(.)", "\\2.\\1", names(DT2)))


    1) If using 0 in place of NA is ok then it can be simplified by omitting the first line which defines cumsum0 and replacing cumsum0 in the next line with cumsum.

    2) The result of the second line has these names:

    > names(DT2)
    [1] "SUM.A:x" "SUM.B:x" "SUM.A:v" "SUM.B:v"

    so if that is sufficient the last line can be dropped since its only purpose is to make the names exactly the same as in the question.

    The result (without the simplifications) is:

    > DT2
        SUM.x.A SUM.x.B SUM.v.A SUM.v.B
     1:       1      NA      12      NA
     2:       1       1      12      62
     3:       2       1      72      62
     4:       2       2      72     123
     5:       4       2     155     123
     6:       4       4     155     220
     7:       6       4     156     220
     8:       6       6     156     242
     9:       9       6     255     242
    10:       9       9     255     289
    11:      12       9     318     289
    12:      12      12     318     338
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-19 13:58

    Not sure this is the best solution, but you could do something like the following.

    DT <- data.table(x=rep(c(1,2,3),each=4), y=c("A","B"), v=sample(1:100,12))
    DT[, id := seq_len(nrow(DT))]
    setkey(DT, y)
    uniqY <- unique(DT$y)
    for(jj in uniqY){
      nc <- do.call(paste, c(expand.grid('Sum', c('x','v'),jj), sep ='.'))
      DT[.(jj), (nc) := list(cumsum(x), cumsum(v))]
    setkey(DT, id)
    DT[, 5:8 := lapply(.SD, function(x) { 
      xn <- is.na(x)
      x[xn] <- -Inf
      xx <- cummax(x)
      # deal with leading NA values
        xn1 <- which(xn)[1]
      xx[seq_len(xn1)] <- NA}   
      xx }), .SDcols = 5:8]
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-19 14:08

    Here's another way:

    ys <- unique(DT$y)
    sdcols <- c("x", "v")
    cols <- paste0("SUM.", sdcols)
    DT[, c(cols) := lapply(.SD, cumsum), by = y, .SDcols = sdcols]
    for( i in seq_along(ys)) {
        cols <- paste0("SUM.", sdcols, ".", ys[i])
        DT[, c("v1", "v2") := list(SUM.x, SUM.v[i]), by = SUM.x]
        DT[, c("v1", "v2") := list(c(rep(NA_integer_, (i-1)), v1)[seq_len(.N)], 
        c(rep(NA_integer_, (i-1)), v2)[seq_len(.N)])]
        setnames(DT, c("v1", "v2"), cols)

    My version of benchmarking with mnel's (from his post) and this function:

    The function from this post:

    arun <- function(DT) {
        ys <- unique(DT$y)
        sdcols <- c("x", "v")
        cols <- paste0("SUM.", sdcols)
        DT[, c(cols) := lapply(.SD, cumsum), by = y, .SDcols = sdcols]
        for( i in seq_along(ys)) {
            cols <- paste0("SUM.", sdcols, ".", ys[i])
            DT[, c("v1", "v2") := list(SUM.x, SUM.v[i]), by = SUM.x]
            DT[, c("v1", "v2") := list(c(rep(NA_integer_, (i-1)), v1)[seq_len(.N)], 
            c(rep(NA_integer_, (i-1)), v2)[seq_len(.N)])]
            setnames(DT, c("v1", "v2"), cols)

    Function from mnel's post:

    mnel <- function(DT) {
        DT <- data.table(x=rep(c(1,2,3),each=4), y=c("A","B"), v=sample(1:100,12))
        DT[, id := seq_len(nrow(DT))]
        setkey(DT, y)
        uniqY <- unique(DT$y)
        for(jj in uniqY){
          nc <- do.call(paste, c(expand.grid('Sum', c('x','v'),jj), sep ='.'))
          DT[.(jj), (nc) := list(cumsum(x), cumsum(v))]
        setkey(DT, id)
        DT[, 5:8 := lapply(.SD, function(x) { 
          xn <- is.na(x)
          x[xn] <- -Inf
          xx <- cummax(x)
          # deal with leading NA values
            xn1 <- which(xn)[1]
          xx[seq_len(xn1)] <- NA}   
          xx }), .SDcols = 5:8]

    Function from statquant:

    statquant <- function(DT){
        #first step is to create cumsum columns
        colNames <- c("x","v")
        DT[, paste0("SUM.",colNames):=lapply(.SD,cumsum) ,by=y, .SDcols=colNames];
        #now we need to reshape each SUM.* to SUM.*.{yvalue}
        DT[,N:=.I]; setattr(DT,"sorted","N")
        g <- function(DT,SD){
          cols <- c('N',grep('SUM',colnames(SD), value=T));
          Yval <- unique(SD[,y]);
          merge(DT, SD[,cols, with=F], suffix=c('',paste0('.',Yval)), all.x=T);    
        DT <- Reduce(f=g,init=DT,x=split(DT,DT$y));
        locf = function(x) {
          ind = which(!is.na(x))    
          if(is.na(x[1])) ind = c(1,ind)
          rep(x[ind], times = diff( c(ind, length(x) + 1) )) 
        newColNames <- grep('SUM',colnames(DT),value=T);
        DT <- DT[, (newColNames):=lapply(.SD, locf), .SDcols=newColNames]

    Function from grothendieck

    grothendieck <- function(DT) {
        cumsum0 <- function(x) { x <- cumsum(x); ifelse(x == 0, NA, x) }
        DT2 <- DT[, {SUM.<-y; lapply(data.table(model.matrix(~ SUM.:x + SUM.:v + 0)), cumsum0)}]
        setnames(DT2, sub("(.):(.)", "\\2.\\1", names(DT2)))


    DT <- data.table(x=rep(c(1,2,3),each=4), y=c("A","B"), v=sample(1:100,12))
    microbenchmark( s <- statquant(copy(DT)), g <- grothendieck(copy(DT)), 
                    m <- mnel(copy(DT)), a <- arun(copy(DT)), times = 1e3)
    # Unit: milliseconds
    #                         expr       min        lq    median        uq       max neval
    #     s <- statquant(copy(DT)) 13.041125 13.674083 14.493870 17.273151 144.74186  1000
    #  g <- grothendieck(copy(DT))  3.634120  3.859143  4.006085  4.443388  80.01984  1000
    #          m <- mnel(copy(DT))  7.819286  8.234178  8.596090 10.423668  87.07668  1000
    #          a <- arun(copy(DT))  6.925419  7.369286  7.703003  9.262719  53.39823  1000

    resulting data.table "a" (arun's)

    #     x y  v SUM.x SUM.v SUM.x.A SUM.v.A SUM.x.B SUM.v.B
    #  1: 1 A 12     1    12       1      12      NA      NA
    #  2: 1 B 62     1    62       1      12       1      62
    #  3: 1 A 60     2    72       2      72       1      62
    #  4: 1 B 61     2   123       2      72       2     123
    #  5: 2 A 83     4   155       4     155       2     123
    #  6: 2 B 97     4   220       4     155       4     220
    #  7: 2 A  1     6   156       6     156       4     220
    #  8: 2 B 22     6   242       6     156       6     242
    #  9: 3 A 99     9   255       9     255       6     242
    # 10: 3 B 47     9   289       9     255       9     289
    # 11: 3 A 63    12   318      12     318       9     289
    # 12: 3 B 49    12   338      12     318      12     338

    Resulting data.table "m" (mnel's)

    #    x y  v id Sum.x.A Sum.v.A Sum.x.B Sum.v.B
    #  1: 1 A 12  1       1      12      NA      NA
    #  2: 1 B 62  2       1      12       1      62
    #  3: 1 A 60  3       2      72       1      62
    #  4: 1 B 61  4       2      72       2     123
    #  5: 2 A 83  5       4     155       2     123
    #  6: 2 B 97  6       4     155       4     220
    #  7: 2 A  1  7       6     156       4     220
    #  8: 2 B 22  8       6     156       6     242
    #  9: 3 A 99  9       9     255       6     242
    # 10: 3 B 47 10       9     255       9     289
    # 11: 3 A 63 11      12     318       9     289
    # 12: 3 B 49 12      12     318      12     338

    Resulting data.table "s" (statquant's)

    #      N x y  v SUM.x SUM.v SUM.x.A SUM.v.A SUM.x.B SUM.v.B
    #  1:  1 1 A 12     1    12       1      12      NA      NA
    #  2:  2 1 B 62     1    62       1      12       1      62
    #  3:  3 1 A 60     2    72       2      72       1      62
    #  4:  4 1 B 61     2   123       2      72       2     123
    #  5:  5 2 A 83     4   155       4     155       2     123
    #  6:  6 2 B 97     4   220       4     155       4     220
    #  7:  7 2 A  1     6   156       6     156       4     220
    #  8:  8 2 B 22     6   242       6     156       6     242
    #  9:  9 3 A 99     9   255       9     255       6     242
    # 10: 10 3 B 47     9   289       9     255       9     289
    # 11: 11 3 A 63    12   318      12     318       9     289
    # 12: 12 3 B 49    12   338      12     318      12     338

    Resulting data.table "g" (grothendieck's)

    #    SUM.x.A SUM.x.B SUM.v.A SUM.v.B
    #  1:       1      NA      12      NA
    #  2:       1       1      12      62
    #  3:       2       1      72      62
    #  4:       2       2      72     123
    #  5:       4       2     155     123
    #  6:       4       4     155     220
    #  7:       6       4     156     220
    #  8:       6       6     156     242
    #  9:       9       6     255     242
    # 10:       9       9     255     289
    # 11:      12       9     318     289
    # 12:      12      12     318     338
    0 讨论(0)