I am using jQuery to slide something down and fade something else out, but in testing it, I\'ve noticed that the fading appears too long after the sliding happens. In other
They should run together if you do it like:
opacity: 0.25,
}, 1000, function() {
// complete
opacity: 0,
}, 1000, function() {
// complete
It'd be nicer if you set up a fiddle. If your DOM is large, you can minimally reduce the delay by doing the lookup ahead of time:
$('#trigger').click( function(){
var vars = { $this : $(this),
$carousel : $('#carousel'),
$pullrefresh : $('#pullrefresh'),
$detector : $('#detector')
vars.$this.animate({ opacity: 0.0 },1000); // fade
vars.$carousel.animate({ top: '100px' }); // slide
vars.$pullrefresh.css('top', '-490px'); // line 5
vars.$detector.hide(); // line 6
try this
$('#trigger').click( function(){
$(this).animate({ opacity: 0.0 },1000); // fade
$('#carousel').animate({ top: '100px' }); // slide
$('#pullrefresh').css('top', '-490px'); // line 5
$('#detector').hide(); // line 6
specify the time 1000 for animate
$('#trigger').click( function(){
$.Deferred(function(dfr) {
dfr.pipe(function() {
return $(this).animate({ opacity: 0.0 }); // fade
pipe(function() {
return $('#carousel').animate({ top: '100px' }); // slide
pipe(function() {
return $('#pullrefresh').css('top', '-490px'); // line 5
pipe(function() {
return $('#detector').hide(); // line 6