How do I
RJI#\\\\\\\\Cjserver\\TrialWorks\\CaseFiles\\10000269\\Pleadings\\RJI - 10005781.doc
Find Constant expression \'\\\\Cjse
DECLARE @input NVarChar(1000) =
'RJI#\\Cjserver\TrialWorks\CaseFiles\10000269\Pleadings\RJI - 10005781.doc',
@match NVarChar(100) =
DECLARE @position Int = CHARINDEX(@match, @input);
SELECT SUBSTRING(@input, @position, 1000);
I'm just using 1000 for some arbitrarily large value. You should probably size this more appropriately to your data.
You want to use Substring, starting one after the index of your target, and take the length of the entire string less the charindex of your target
declare @string varchar(1000)
set @string = 'xxxxxxxxyzzzzzzzz'
select substring(@string, charindex('y', @string) +1,
len(@string) - charindex('y', @string))
In this case I want everything after the y
SET @String = 'RJI#\\Cjserver\TrialWorks\CaseFiles\10000269\Pleadings\RJI - 10005781.doc'
SELECT RIGHT(@String,LEN(@String)-PATINDEX('%\\Cjserver\%',@String)+1)