I am actually trying to develop a Jenkins plugin using maven but I am unable to test it.
I created my project with the command mvn -cpu hpi:create
. I c
I finally find the answer to my questions. The problem is that I was using an old version of maven, the 2.2.1 version. So I change to the last version, 3.0.4, everything is fine now.
In pom.xml
, try changing parent to this:
I just did quick test with that hpi:create, and it worked for me, I got both global and job config things as expected, but I had to do that change to pom.xml, before I got it to compile.
That is, I did:
mvn hpi:create
, artifactId hello-world
when prompted.cd hello-world
mvn install
failedmvn install
succeededmvn hpi:run -Djetty.port=8092
succeeded (Using that port because other Jenkins is already in default port, otherwise -D... not needed.)http://localhost:8092
, check global config, create job and add the build stepAnd it worked for me.
I'm using Maven 2, version 2.2.1.