I have SQL server & web app hosted over Microsoft Azure platform. I am constantly getting above error when ever i run web application (and try to connect azure sql serve
you need to white your IP address for same, SQL azure will need to know the your Application IP
From Mihaela's comment: You need to add "tcp: " in front of server name. I.e. tcp:<servername>.database.windows.net
This is specified in the [documentation] (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.data.sqlclient.sqlconnection.connectionstring(v=vs.110).aspx)
Data Source must use the TCP format or the Named Pipes format.
TCP format is as follows:
The TCP format must start with the prefix "tcp:" and is followed by the database instance, as specified by a host name and an instance name.
The host name MUST be specified in one of the following ways:
The instance name is used to resolve to a particular TCP/IP port number on which a database instance is hosted. Alternatively, specifying a TCP/IP port number directly is also allowed. If both instance name and port number are not present, the default database instance is used.