My Question is actually very similar to this one and also includes a good answer for a case with InnoDB Engine tables:
ibdata1 and MyISAM are mutually exclusive.
First thing you should do is count how many tables use both storage engines:
SELECT COUNT(1) EngineCount,engine
FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema NOT IN ('information_schema','performance_schema','mysql')
GROUP BY engine;
Perform my CleanUp of InnoDB
First, eliminate any traces of InnoDB Do the following:
STEP01) Add this to my.cnf
STEP02) service mysql restart
STEP03) rm -f /var/lib/mysql/ibdata1 /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile*
After these steps, you can perform a Compression of Each MyISAM tables like this:
For the table mydb.mytable that is MyISAM, just run one of the following:
OPTIMIZE TABLE mydb.mytable;
ALTER TABLE mydb.mytable ENGINE=MyISAM; ANALYZE TABLE mydb.mytable;
If you want to defrag all your MyISAM tables, here is a shell script to do so...
SQL="SELECT CONCAT('OPTIMIZE TABLE ',table_schema,'.',table_name,';') "
SQL="${SQL} FROM information_schema.tables "
SQL="${SQL} WHERE engine='MyISAM' AND table_schema NOT IN "
SQL="${SQL} ('information_schema','performance_schema','mysql')"
mysql ${MYSQL_CONN} -ANe"${SQL}" > GlobalMyISAMOptmizeTable.sql
less GlobalMyISAMOptmizeTable.sql
Once you trust the script visually, just run it
mysql ${MYSQL_CONN} < GlobalMyISAMOptmizeTable.sql
Give it a Try !!!
I would like to clarify one of my suggestions for compression of MyISAM
I said earlier
OPTIMIZE TABLE mydb.mytable;
ALTER TABLE mydb.mytable ENGINE=MyISAM; ANALYZE TABLE mydb.mytable;
These commands are mechanically identical. OPTIMIZE TABLE
performs a defrag of the MyISAM table and then runs ANALYZE TABLE
to compute fresh index statistics.
Mechanically speaking, this is what ALTER TABLE mydb.mytable ENGINE=MyISAM;
CREATE TABLE mydb.mytabletmp LIKE mydb.mytable;
INSERT INTO mydb.mytabletmp SELECT * FROM mydb.mytable;
ALTER TABLE mydb.mytable RENAME mydb.mytablezap;
ALTER TABLE mydb.mytabletmp RENAME mydb.mytable;
DROP TABLE mydb.mytablezap;
As mentioned MyISAM shouldn't be using ibdata. What are your innodb settings in your my.cnf, or in the MySQL shell type:
Are these variables set?
If you are not using INNODB at all you should be able to safely remove the ibdata and ib_logfile(s) and restart MySQL. Normally though removing these without dropping the tables first will cause issues. See How to shrink/purge ibdata1 file in MySQL
If you do have a MyISAM table over 5Gigs, it's recommended that you use INNODB anyway. (Anything over 4 Gigs). To troubleshoot you could try and add
in the my.cnf if you are not using INNODB at all.