I\'m using the getExcerpt() function below to dynamically set the length of a snippet of text. However, my substr method is currently based on character count. I\'d like to
Use str_word_count
Depending on the parameters, it can either return the number of words in a string (default) or an array of the words found (in case you only want to use a subset of them).
So, to return the first 100 words of a snippet of text:
function getExcerpt($text)
$words_in_text = str_word_count($text,1);
$words_to_return = 100;
$result = array_slice($words_in_text,0,$words_to_return);
return '<em>'.implode(" ",$result).'</em>';
If you want that your script should not ignore the period and comma and other punctuation symbols then you should adopt this approach.
function getExcerpt($text)
$my_excerptLength = 100;
$my_array = explode(" ",$text);
$value = implode(" ",array_slice($my_array,0,$my_excerptLength));
Note : This is just an example.Hope it will help you.Don't forget to vote if it help you.