While I know you cannot actually get the type of a generic at runtime because of type erasure, I was wondering if it is possible to get it at compile time.
Since generic types are subjected to erasure, you will need to specify the java.lang.Class somewhere in the code. One way is to pass it to a generic method:
ObjType obj = /*...*/;
handleObj(obj, SubObjType.class);
// ...
private <T extends ObjType> void handleObj(ObjType obj,
ObjectHandle<T> handle,
Class<T> handleableObjClass) {
if (handleableObjClass.isInstance(obj)) {
If you don't know what subclasses of ObjType you're looking for, you will need to add a reifiable Class property to ObjectHandle, similar to how java.util.EnumSet and java.util.EnumMap do it:
class ObjectHandle<T extends ObjType> {
T obj;
private final Class<T> objectClass;
ObjectHandle(Class<T> cls) {
objectClass = Objects.requireNonNull(cls);
Class<T> getObjectClass() {
return objectClass;
void setObj(T o) {
obj = o;
// ...
ObjectHandle<SubObjType> handle = new ObjectHandle<SubObjType>();
// ...
ObjectType obj = /*...*/;
if (handle.getObjectClass().isInstance(obj)) {