If I have a class as follows:
class myclass(object):
i = 20
j = 30
k = 40
def __init__(self):
self.myvariable = 50
print([ getattr(myclass,x) for x in dir(myclass) if not x.startswith("__")])
[20, 30, 40]
print([v for k,v in myclass.__dict__.items() if not k.startswith("__")])
If you are trying to use check the type it is issinstance
[getattr(myclass, x) for x in dir(myclass) if isinstance(getattr(myclass, x) , int)]
Using dict:
[v for k,v in myclass.__dict__.items() if isinstance(v,int)]
You can also use the inspect module:
>>> [x for x in inspect.getmembers(myclass) if not x[0].startswith('__')]
[('i', 20), ('j', 30), ('k', 40)]