I\'d like to round my values to the closest of 5 cent for example:
5.31 -> 5.30
5.35 -> 5.35
5.33 -> 5.35
5.38 -> 5.40
Turns out..it's really simple
let x: Float = 1.03 //or whatever value, you can also use the Double type
let y = round(x * 20) / 20
Depending on how you are storing your currency data, I would recommend using a dictionary or an array to look up the original cents value, and return a pre-computed result. There's no reason to do the calculations at all, since you know that 0 <= cents < 100.
If your currency is a string input, just chop off the last couple of digits and do a dictionary lookup.
round_cents = [ ... "12":"10", "13":"15", ... ]
If your currency is a floating point value, well, you have already discovered the joys of trying to do that. You should change it.
If your currency is a data type, or a fixed point integer, just get the cents part out and do an array lookup.
round_cents[12] = 10
round_cents[13] = 15
In either case, you would then do:
new_cents = round_cents[old_cents]
and be done with it.
I will use round
function and NSNumberFormatter
also but slightly different algorithm
I was thinking about using %
but I changed it to /
let formatter = NSNumberFormatter()
formatter.minimumFractionDigits = 2
formatter.maximumFractionDigits = 2
It's really better to stay away from floating-point for this kind of thing, but you can probably improve the accuracy a little with this:
import Foundation
func roundToFive(n: Double) -> Double {
let f = floor(n)
return f + round((n-f) * 20) / 20
roundToFive(12.12) // 12.1