In my current project I have to read a JavaScript file from the web and extract an object from it. The variable can vary from time to time, so I have to read it instead of h
There are many libraries in Java to parse the JSON. There is a list on
Read the file with Java
import org.json.JSONObject;
URL url = new URL("");
InputStream urlInputStream = url.openStream();
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(urlInputStream.toString());
Finally code it myself.
//remove comments
private String removeComment(String html){
String commentA = "/*";
String commentB = "*/";
int indexA, indexB;
indexA = html.indexOf(commentA);
indexB = html.indexOf(commentB);
while(indexA != -1 && indexB != -1 ){
html = html.substring(0, indexA) + html.substring(indexB + commentB.length());
indexA = html.indexOf(commentA);
indexB = html.indexOf(commentB);
return html;
//find variable with name varName
private String findVar(String varName, String html, char lBrace, char rBrace){
String tmp = html.substring(html.indexOf(varName));
tmp = tmp.substring(tmp.indexOf(lBrace));
int braceCount = 0;
int index = 0;
if(tmp.charAt(index) == lBrace){
braceCount ++;
}else if(tmp.charAt(index) == rBrace){
braceCount --;
index ++;
if(braceCount == 0){
return tmp.substring(0, index);