Background: Here is what the current dataframe looks like. The row labels are information texts in original excel file. But I
Here is one way to do it:
import re
def replaceX(col):
cond = ~((col == "x") | (col == "X"))
# Check if the name of the column is undefined
if not re.match(r'Unnamed: \d+', col.name):
return col.where(cond, 0)
# Check what is the value of the first row
if col.iloc[0] == "Commented":
return col.where(cond, 1)
elif col.iloc[0] == "No comment":
return col.where(cond, 2)
return col
Or if your first row don't contain "Commented" or "No comment" for titled columns you can have a solution without regex:
def replaceX(col):
cond = ~((col == "x") | (col == "X"))
# Check what is the value of the first row
if col.iloc[0] == "Commented":
return col.where(cond, 1)
elif col.iloc[0] == "No comment":
return col.where(cond, 2)
return col.where(cond, 0)
# Apply the function on every column (axis not specified so equal 0)
df.apply(lambda col: replaceX(col))
title Unnamed: 2 Unnamed: 3
0 Commented No comment
2 0 2
3 1
- Apply: apply a function on every columns/rows depending on the axis
- Where: check where a condition is met on a series, if it is not met, replace with value specified.