I may have been under the false impression that Haskell is lazier than it is, but I wonder if there\'s a way to get the best of both worlds...
The Alternative
instance for the MaybeT monad transformer returns the first successful result, and does not execute the rest of the operations. In combination with the asum function, we can write something like:
import Data.Foldable (asum)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
action :: Char -> IO Char
action c = putChar c *> return c
main :: IO ()
main = do
result <- runMaybeT $ asum $ [ empty
, MaybeT $ action 'x' *> return Nothing
, liftIO $ action 'v'
, liftIO $ action 'z'
print result
where the final action 'z'
won't be executed.
We can also write a newtype wrapper with a Monoid
instance which mimics the Alternative
newtype FirstIO a = FirstIO (MaybeT IO a)
firstIO :: IO (Maybe a) -> FirstIO a
firstIO ioma = FirstIO (MaybeT ioma)
getFirstIO :: FirstIO a -> IO (Maybe a)
getFirstIO (FirstIO (MaybeT ioma)) = ioma
instance Monoid (FirstIO a) where
mempty = FirstIO empty
FirstIO m1 `mappend` FirstIO m2 = FirstIO $ m1 <|> m2
The relationship between Alternative
and Monoid
is explained in this other SO question.
Is there a way that I can retain the Semigroup or Monoid abstraction, while still get lazy IO?
Somewhat, but there are drawbacks. The udnerlying problem for our instances is that a generic instance for an Applicative
will look like
instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (SomeApplicative a) where
x <> y = (<>) <$> x <*> y
We're here at the mercy of (<*>)
, and usually the second argument y
will be at least in WHNF. For example in Maybe
's implementation the first line will work fine and the second line will error
liftA2 (<>) Just (First 10) <> Just (error "never shown")
liftA2 (<>) Just (First 10) <> error "fire!"
's (<*>)
is implemented in terms of ap
, so the second action will always be executed before <>
is applied.
A First
-like variant is possible with ExceptT or similar, essentially any data type that has a Left k >>= _ = Left k
like case so that we can stop the computation at that point. Although ExceptT
is meant for exceptions, it may work well for your use-case. Alternatively, one of the Alternative
transformers (MaybeT
, ExceptT
) together with <|>
instead of <>
might suffice.
A almost completely lazy IO type is also possible, but must be handled with care:
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO)
newtype LazyIO a = LazyIO { runLazyIO :: IO a }
instance Functor LazyIO where
fmap f = LazyIO . fmap f . runLazyIO
instance Applicative LazyIO where
pure = LazyIO . pure
f <*> x = LazyIO $ do
f' <- unsafeInterleaveIO (runLazyIO f)
x' <- unsafeInterleaveIO (runLazyIO x)
return $ f' x'
instance Monad LazyIO where
return = pure
f >>= k = LazyIO $ runLazyIO f >>= runLazyIO . k
instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (LazyIO a) where
(<>) = liftA2 (<>)
instance Monoid a => Monoid (LazyIO a) where
mempty = pure mempty
mappend = liftA2 mappend
unsafeInterleaveIO will enable the behaviour you want (and is used in getContents
and other lazy IO Prelude
functions), but it must be used with care. The order of IO
operations is completely off at that point. Only when we inspect the values we will trigger the original IO
ghci> :module +Data.Monoid Control.Monad
ghci> let example = fmap (First . Just) . LazyIO . putStrLn $ "example"
ghci> runLazyIO $ fmap mconcat $ replicateM 100 example
First {getFirst = example
Just ()}
Note that we only got our example
once in the output, but at a completely random place, since the putStrLn "example"
and print result
got interleaved, since
print (First x) = putStrLn (show (First x))
= putStrLn ("First {getFirst = " ++ show x ++ "}")
and show x
will finally put the IO
necessary to get x
in action. The action will get called only once if we use the result multiple times:
ghci> :module +Data.Monoid Control.Monad
ghci> let example = fmap (First . Just) . LazyIO . putStrLn $ "example"
ghci> result <- runLazyIO $ fmap mconcat $ replicateM 100 example
ghci> result
First {getFirst = example
Just ()}
ghci> result
First {getFirst = Just ()}
You could write a finalizeLazyIO
function that either evaluate
s or seq
's x
finalizeLazyIO :: LazyIO a -> IO a
finalizeLazyIO k = do
x <- runLazyIO k
x `seq` return x
If you were to publish a module with this functions, I'd recommend to only export the type constructor LazyIO
, liftIO :: IO a -> LazyIO a
and finalizeLazyIO