I just read the very nice explanation of the various managed beans and their relations on Java EE 6 @javax.annotation.ManagedBean vs. @javax.inject.Named vs. @javax.faces.Ma
Excerpt from Java EE 6 Tutorial with some modifications:
public class BeanA { ... }
public @interface EjbStarted {}
@DependsOn("BeanA", "BeanB", "BeanC")
public class LastBean {
@Inject @EjbStarted Event<String> event;
public void startService() {
// At this moment PrimaryBean is ready for use
public class CDIService {
public void start(@Observes @EjbStarted String name) {
if("LastBean".equals(name)) {
UPDATE: While thinking about the problem, I somehow forgot that you want the initialization order in CDI beans, so the answer is somewhat out of context, sorry about that :)
UPDATE 2: Added how to make a CDI service start after EJBs